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Guide to XR


Hi, I am Souparna, your friend or Clippy (10 points if you can guess who am i refering to :P).
I am currently pursuing my masters in XR Design and trying to create a handbook or guidebook for people who are jumping straight into XR.These are my personal thoughts and learnings that i had along the way and will keep on updating as i move forward.
Some concepts and ideas might be obsolete at the time of writing this, but anyways, let the learning begin. Hope it helps 😊

NOTE: These are my understandings and theories which might be wrong. In any case, don't take this as the be-all and end-all. As designers, we need to embrace change and create solutions accordingly.

What is XR?

It is an umbrella term, X = {Virtual, Mixed, Augmented} and R = Reality; that is about it.
Virtual - Everything is virtual. When you put on the headset, the environment around you is created.
Augmented - You place virtual objects in the real world, something juxtaposed on top of reality.
Mixed - You blend these two, and you get mixed reality.

Remember, Augmented Reality and Augmented Virtuality mixed together gets you to MIXED REALITY.

About XR Design

The traditional UX design for 2D Interfaces is vastly different for XR Interfaces, why? because there are no constraints!. but this is great right? Not really, with constraints your ideas are sort of grounded and fixed in a direction but here you can theoritically design anything. The processes we follow for XR Design is generally the same albeit with some caveats.

About XR Development

Tools Required

There is a resources tab which will have all the resources that i had used in my journey in the field of XR. Happy hunting.!